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Welcome to our solar map for the geographic area of Northern Virginia. This map  has been created by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission to demonstrate to homeowners and business owners how much solar energy can be generated by the rooftop of their home and/or business. The map is the first of its kind in Northern Virginia.


Working with our partners at the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) we are working to make going solar easy by taking the leg and guess work out of whether solar is right for you.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit for 2021 and 2022 for solar projects is 26%. As a result of the Inflation Reduction Act being signed into law, the Federal ITC will be increased to 30% beginning in 2023 for the next several years.


You can learn more about our Solarize NoVA Campaign by clicking here.


From 2014 to 2022 Solarize NoVA has resulted in 690 projects for 6.2 MW of new solar. You can view a map of our projects by zip code here.

How to Use this Map

Get an analysis of the solar energy potential for your home or a building of interest by either: Using the address search bar on the map or clicking your mouse to zoom to your current location. Click on your home or building of interest to get results. The results are displayed in a box on the screen.


The analysis will provide information on the potential size of a solar PV array that can be placed on the roof and the potential electricity savings based upon an electric rate of 11 cents per kilowatt hour, which is a conservative rate. CO2 calculations are based upon a formula published on the EPA's Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.





The NVRC Solar Map is no substitute to an on-site assessment performed by a certified professional. The NVRC Solar Map is a remote evaluation tool, based on topographical surveys, information models, and simulation methodologies, and results may be unavailable or inaccurate due to issues including, but not limited to, partial sample obsolescence, excess of vegetation or non-modeled obstructions, incomplete or corrupted databases, incomplete or corrupted GIS layers, undetectable partial obstructions based on survey resolution, and force majeure. NVRC does not guarantee the accuracy of the data or the applicability of the information provided by the Solar Map.


Building roofs

All building roofs under 250 square feet are excluded from consideration, as they are too small for a solar PV array. Roof slope above 50 degree are excluded because they are too steep for a solar PV array. Roof orientations of north, northeast, and northwest are excluded due to insufficient sun exposure. Shading is considered based off of LiDAR data, which may or may not reflect current conditions.


Cost of electricity

A rate of 11 cents per kilowatt-hour is used to calculate potential electricity savings.



CO2 calculations are based upon a formula published on the EPA's Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.



Click on the photo to use the map.

Use the Map

NVRC wishes to acknowledge the contribution of MWCOG and the George Mason University College of Science and Department of Geography & Geoinformation Science that helped make this project possible.


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